SpaceX: Expanding Access to Outer Space! (February 2025)

Among the names of most successful entrepreneurs of the world, One of the most widely recognized name remains that of Elon Musk. Elon Musk has been a great influence on a variety of diverse fields such as Space Exploration, Automotives, Neurological Enhancements and Infrastructure Enhancement. His each and every project aims at achieving the goals set by him.

Same goes for SpaceX. The vision behind SpaceX was to escape the traditional method of space missions which were costly and highly energy consuming. SpaceX targets at providing low costing and sustainable energy generated innovations.

Elon Musk has been the person behind introduction of numerous technological revolutions. He’s an American Entrepreneur born in Pretoria, South Africa. Since childhood, he had been deeply interested in science fiction, technology and space exploration. Due to this interest, Musk at an age of 12 successfully developed a video game named Blastar, which, he later sold to a magazine.

The beginning of his entrepreneurial life dates back to the early 1990s, when he founded a software company, Zip2 Corporation. Zip2 provided him the financial support, experience and confidence which led him closer to fulfilling his ambition of developing space exploration projects and backup of human existence on other planets.

Musk also played a role in the development of the widely recognized online payment platform Paypal. He was the cofounder of an online money transfer company namely This company later on combined with another company called Confinity with Elon Musk on the position of CEO of this merged project. This merged company was renamed Paypal and became one of the most famous money transfer platform.

The main support of Musk’s vision is multi-planetary existence of Humans and promotion of renewable energy resources.

He aims at setting a system allowing accessible and affordable transportation of humans and cargo to other planets, moon and earth’s orbit. Apart from this, he wants to ensure the long term survival of human species through enhancement of human abilities through different creative  ideas like that of artificial intelligence, space exploration , sustainable energy.

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His dedication to his vision led him to the establishment of following projects:

Tesla, Inc

Elon Musk’s desire to promote the use of sustainable energy led Musk to establishment of Tesla Motors in 2003 which is now known as Tesla, Inc. Tesla is an American automotive company that has been manufacturing electric vehicles with Model S, Model X, Model 3 and Model Y being the most popular ones.

These cars are capable of  fully self-driving (FSD) . These cars are providing luxury with sustainability. The company has been setting a whole network of Supercharger stations for recharging of Tesla’s Electric vehicles. Tesla allows manufactures it’s own batteries through Gigafactories inorder to promote low costs, sustainability and efficiency of vehicles.

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SpaceX is an outstanding project of Elon Musk introduced in 2002. SpaceX is an Aerospace company which have made the groundbreaking contribution in the world of space technology by successfully launching reusable spacecrafts. These spacecrafts have contributed in reduction of costs for space missions and promotion of commercial space flight.

The falcon 9 was the first ever fully reusable spacecraft launched by the company and after the success of Falcon 9, this company in collaboration with WeRobots gradually introduced a variety of reusable spacecrafts like Falcon Heavy, Dragon Spacecraft, Crew Dragon and Starlink.

neuralink implant

Neuralink is the result of Musk’s goal to enhance human abilities. Neuralink is Neurotechnology Company which came into being in 2016. Neuralink aims at developing Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) technology which allow direct connection between human brain and computers or other devices enabling the treatment of neurological disorders by combing human and artificial intelligence, treatment of untreatable neuronal disorders, introduction of Surgical Robots which can perform implantation procedures with more carefulness. This technology can also help in the restoration of different sensory functions like hearing.

The Boring Company
the borinnng company

In 2016, Elon Musk established a tunnel construction company, The Boring Company, which contributes to the development of infrastructure and efficient transportation.

The company has been building high-speed transportation systems under the ground called Loops promoting a smooth traffic flow along with manufacturing of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs). TBMs are capable of constructing the tunnels and enhancing the infrastructure in an environment friendly and cost effective way.

SpaceXBringing Advancements in Space Exploration


Elon Musk has always been a mastermind of ambitious and innovative projects. Among all of his technological advancement projects, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation commonly referred to SpaceX plays a significant role in the field of technology. SpaceX was founded in 2002 and is known globally as a pioneering aerospace company. The company has been introducing the era in which the transportation to other planets or earth’s orbit will be accessible and affordable.

The main difference between traditional way of launches for space missions and SpaceX’s space missions is that of costs. SpaceX tries to use 3D printings and better materials inorder to eliminate production costs. The production of reusable spacecrafts saves the expenses of building of new spacecrafts for each launch. The revolution brought by SpaceX have also encouraged many smaller companies to come forward in the field of space exploration.

SpaceX is the pioneer of many innovative projects enhancing access to outer space and making the costs of space missions more reasonable through their reusable spacecrafts, rideshare programs and satellite installment programs.

The introduction of the concept of reusable Spacecrafts dates back to the 1920s. Many space enthusiasts have been doing researches over the concept. In 1960, NASA introduced partially reusable space shuttles. However, the researches and testing for fully reusable spacecrafts continued and finally, in 2015, SpaceX came forward with the first ever fully reusable spacecraft “Falcon 9”.

As spacecrafts are usually designed to burn up upon returning to earth, But this scenario is not applicable on SpaceX’s reusable spacecrafts. These spacecrafts can return to earth and re-fly efficiently.

The achievement of this milestone was made possible with the help of a Robotics company “WeRobots”.

One of the common misconception regarding SpaceX is that the individuals often assume that WeRobots is either a single robot or a team of robots, However, WeRobots, in reality, is a subsidiary of SpaceX. WeRobots have great skills in Robot manufacturing.

Contribution of WeRobots in Success of SpaceX

WeRobots works in collaboration with SpaceX. The company have promising professionalism in robotic development, artificial intelligence, technologies and automation.

SpaceX’s most innovative work remains the manufacturing of Reusable spacecrafts which was made possible by the help of WeRobots. WeRobots have played a pivotal role in helping SpaceX in achieving it’s goals and the success it have today. 

Cost of Single-use Spacecraft: Single-use spacecraft are more expensive due to the high costs associated with production, launch, and maintenance.
Cost Advantage of Reusable Spacecraft: Reusable spacecraft significantly reduce costs, as they require less funding for manufacturing, maintenance, and launch.
Technological Advancements: Reusable spacecraft promote technological advancements, bringing future missions to other planets and moons closer to reality.
Environmental Benefits: Reusable rockets are environmentally friendly, helping conserve natural resources by reducing consumption.
Reduction of Space Debris: Space debris, such as defunct satellites and explosion fragments, is a major obstacle in space missions. Reusable rockets help in reducing debris, enabling smoother space exploration missions.

SpaceX has a significant importance in the world of space exploration. Although the company have faced many failures as well like the explosions of Falcon 9 Rockets, unsuccessful launches of Falcon 1, hurdles in development of Starships and losses of payloads.

Despite all the company was determined to learn from it’s mistakes and move ahead. This determination and dedication led SpaceX to following achievements:


After multiple failed launches, finally, in 2017, SpaceX introduced Falcon9-A fully reusable rocket which can feasibly land on ground as well as on the drone ships. This was a huge milestone in the field of Space Exploration.

This Rocket has been reused 310 times along with total 379 launches and 335 landings till now. These reusable spacecrafts are really a game changer in the world of space exploration because of the positive impact they exhibit on conservation of resources and environment.

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The desire of Elon Musk to make an accessible transportation system between Earth and Space led him to the manufacturing of Dragon Spacecrafts. These spacecrafts can efficiently carry cargo and total 7 passengers beyond earth’s orbit.

These spacecrafts has been launched 48 time with 42 visits to the International Space Stations (ISS). These spacecrafts can be used for multiple commercial purposes like enabling space tourism, researches and carrying of payload.

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The Rideshare program of SpaceX allows transport of small satellites and payloads to earth’s orbit in low costs through Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets. Many innovative projects which were difficult to achieve due to the traditional launch systems were made possible because of this revolutionary program by SpaceX.

The rideshare program is a time saver because of it’s capability to get launched quickly. The rideshare program have made it easier for small organizations and company to perform space missions and researches.

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SpaceX’s another remarkable work is the development of Starlink. Starlink refers to a complex setup of satellites providing High-speed internet worldwide.

It consists of numerous small satellites which are capable to provide internet at underserved regions of the world. The starlink satellites provide internet to the users by the communication with eachother and ground stations.


Aimed to make humans multi-planetary species, SpaceX launched one of the most powerful launch vehicle Starship, which is capable of carrying significant amounts of cargo and a total of 100 passengers to outer space with point-to-point transport.

Starships are reusable and able to work for long hours, generated by Methane based engines providing a global impact as the combustion of methane is less toxic than the combustion of other fuels.


Mission of SpaceX-Making humanity multiplanetary. SpaceX aims at making space missions more accessible by the providing repurposable spacecrafts along with the formation of a transportation system between earth and space. Space. Another goal of the company is to establish a self-sustaining human colony on other planets.

Elon Musk emphasized upon the mission of SpaceX through his remarkable words:

“You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great – and that’s what being a spacefaring civilization is all about. It’s about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can’t think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.”

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